Friday, 22 March 2013

Drugs found on Rihanna's tour bus

     Rihanna smoking 

MARIJUANA has been found on Rihanna's tour bus.

The pop star's fleet of 10 coaches were stopped as they crossed the border between Canada and the US earlier this week.

Law enforcement officers noticed a suspicious smell on one of the buses and after a search with drug-sniffing dogs, traces of weed were found on one of the passengers.
The unnamed man was given a civil penalty and the entourage were allowed to enter the US.

On the way between Michigan and Canada singer Rihanna's tour buses were stopped at the border. According to this was due to the smell of marijuana. Rihanna wasn't on board the buses but authorities did find a small amount of marijuana. A bus to bus search was initiated from the authorities. There was 10 buses total. Drug sniffing dogs headed to one passenger that was cited for a civil penalty according to

The buses were en route to Detroit, Michigan, where Rihanna stops off tonight on the latest leg of her Diamonds World Tour. 

But the singer wasn't onboard when the raid took place, according to 

It could have been a lucky escape for Rih - who admits she smokes the drug and has even posted photos on Twitter showing her puffing on suspicious cigarettes.


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    Bus Tours
