I just had to post this story cos of buzz it has been causing all day. Ladies now feel the have the answer to a cheating partner. There’s a new device in town, where ladies can lock up the male organs of their partners to prevent them from cheating. It is called the Male Chastity Device.
According to the inventors,
Male chastity devices restrict a man from touching his genitals for sexual pleasure. The male chastity device gives the Keyholder control over the sexual fulfilment of both partners by denying the wearer the touch he has had all of his life. His focus is now on when he can experience sexual gratification, and the Keyholder has complete control over the wearer’s pleasure. This denied access means the wearer must please the Keyholder in order to receive the pleasure he craves.

My question is would a guy allow his lady put this Wahala on him. I did a backgroud check online on this device and most of the users have complained about their experience. What do you think? ..........
What was this inventor thinking abt. How wld some1 wear this stuff on his dick. Which type of trouser wld contain this. Looks like stuff wore in prison cells for torture.